Welcome to the methodist connection

Whether your church has disaffiliated, or you want to learn more about the United Methodist Church, our pastors are here to help you connect as part of the church

  • Zeke Allen

    Pastor, 26 years in ministry

    Zeke has over 20 years of pastoral experience serving first as a Youth Director for more than a decade and then as an Ordained Elder. He has served churches large and small in Texas and Arkansas. He is also an accomplished musician. He loves the UMC and loves how it made space for him at the Wesley in college. He wants to make sure all experience the welcome he did as well.

  • James Kjorlaug

    Pastor, 15 years in ministry

    James is an innovative pastor who has been trained in new church starts and led the Arkansas Conference in creative worship responses during the shutdown in the pandemic. He took worship on the road, holding Circuit Rider services in the yard of a different family each week. He carried that innovation to his new assignment in the middle of the pandemic. James allows the tattoos on his arms to open up conversation with those who might otherwise feel rejected and excluded by church.

  • Blake Lasater

    Pastor, 22 years in ministry

    Blake started a new church in Arkansas before being transferred to serve one of Arkansas’ few reconciling congregations. During the pandemic, he reached people all around the world with his message of service and inclusion, and has upped his technology game to continue to connect with all people. He has been an outspoken advocate for full inclusion of the LGBTQ+ community, but has also been a voice to remind us that full inclusion means keeping our conservative brothers and sisters welcome at the table as well.

  • Jacob Lynn

    Pastor, 13 years in ministry

    Jacob is both highly creative and collaborative, designing unique and meaningful sermons or working with others to collaborate on series and then adapt those for his context. He is agile at graphic design and attentive to broadcasting with good sound and video, always with the intention of making sure those who are homebound or restricted from church can still feel connected. He has created engaging online worship services, often simply from his dining room table.

  • Michelle Morris

    Pastor, 10 years in ministry

    Michelle has served both rural and urban churches of all sizes. She also worked for the Arkansas Conference Offices in church revitalization and communication. That allowed her to train in videography and marketing, which is a creative outlet she enjoys using to share the love of Christ with as many as she can reach. She also directs Course of Study for Arkansas, and writes for the Adult Bible Studies curriculum. She is passionate about supporting and equipping all the people of the Methodist Connection.

  • Jeremy Pressgrove

    Pastor, 10 years in ministry

    Jeremy cohosted “The Happy Hippie Jesus Show” podcast with Bill Sardin. He enjoys using technology to share what he loves about his faith with others, arranging to have conversations with all kinds of people to explore different perspectives. Through those conversations he makes room for doubt, questions, and each person’s individual journey, often leading to meaningful connections with diverse people. He teaches Bible courses for Course of Study, and is committed to living out his faith in the UMC.

  • Bill Sardin

    Pastor, 18 years in ministry

    Bill was an early adopter of communication technology, initiating several podcasts with various individuals. When the pandemic broke out, pastors and conference staff alike leaned on his expertise to help us navigate these new waters. Bill preaches barefoot, hearkening back to when God tells Moses he should remove his shoes because he is on holy ground. Bill takes the preaching moment very seriously, but also preaches on subjects that grab the attention of all kinds of people in all stages of their faith journeys.

  • Jennie Williams

    Pastor, 10 years in ministry

    Jennie has also been trained in new church development, identified as one of the people in our conference with this type of giftedness. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, Jennie has produced some of the most engaging online material in our conference, pieces that are creative, approachable, and practical for her people. Her joy at serving her people shines through. Jennie has also led our conference on calling us to accountability to make sure that we seek racial reconciliation and make space for all people to serve and be truly welcome in our churches.