Methodist Connection

The World is Our Parish -

And that includes you.

“I will not leave you as orphans. I will come to you.”

Welcome to Methodist Connection!

  • Reviving the Circuit Rider tradition

    As the people gather, the elders will meet you where you are, when you are, and how you are, using 21st century ways of being there.

What this connection provides

  • sermon series

    Series preached and filmed by a variety of pastors, specifically geared toward this transitional moment you are experiencing. We will also include liturgy and recommended music options.

  • Studies and Devotionals

    Free material for you to use to study and reflect together.

  • Communion and Prayer

    Hosting space to bless your communion online and offer a space to share prayers with one another.

Sermon Series

Our Preachers

Your Community

One Collective Experience

Current Series: Faith In Exile



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